I'm quite a patient person, so I don't normally get all flustered if the secrets don't get posted fast on Saturday, but since they're my only entertainment on Saturday nights (yeah, my Saturday nights are very sad and pathetic...) it kinda gets irritating when they don't get posted and it's already nightt time. So here I was musing on what to do to pass time like, say, finish my homework... when I remembered there was
drama BIG TIME last week with Misterlolita ecause of some weird and probably fake "secret policy" about removing secrets on request when she clearly said some time ago ( I seem to remember it was on a request to remove a racist secret) that it didn't matter if a person requested a secret to be removed, even if the person who was on the picture asked for it, since they weren't going to remove any secrets upon requests.
Anyways, my thoughts are the following: is Misterlolita butthurt about being called out on her backpadelling and seemingly preferential treatment of some users or is she simply too busy to attend her mod/admin responsibilities
Yeah I'm this bored...