i love my brother.

Jul 28, 2006 09:55

stephanie: thats awesome ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

therainkingfell July 28 2006, 19:54:37 UTC
When and Where would you like to meet?


therainkingfell July 31 2006, 05:07:27 UTC
this is tough..
i would like some coffee...but im not real familiar
with coffee shops around here..as for times
im good this week after 2 pm any day...except wed.
how about you?


therainkingfell July 31 2006, 05:34:00 UTC
I like Bellatazza. It doesn't have the best ambience inside, but I like sitting at the tables outside. It's nice to be oustide, and it's nice to watch the people walk by.

Bend Mountain Coffee has a nice cozy feel to it. I like it, but don't seem to go there that often.

I don't care for Starbucks or DiLusso.

Bebop's not bad. They have Jazz on weekend mornings, and some week evenings. The problem w/ Bebop is it's outside of the downtown area. I like the walking around potential of coffee shops in the downtown area.

I am free any time this week, except I'm leaving Bend on Thursday for a few days.


therainkingfell July 31 2006, 05:37:20 UTC
How about: Bellatazza, tomorrow, 2-ish?


limegreencrow July 28 2006, 20:10:16 UTC
Aw, I miss me some Tex. I will be back in Whoregon on the 9th of August. I am going to be attending U of O in the fall! Who woulda thunk?


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