why are u so excited about goi ng to the desert with rachel? first of all it sounds like ur so excited about going somewhere with her because she used to be kina popular. but USED to is the key word , no one likes her really anymore thats why she got kciked out of hillarys gay little group and now she hangs out wiht you i guess. well w.e just thought id comment
ok well miss anonymous person first off Rachel is awesome n i get along with her.. second off being popular is rlly not important to me... 3rd off hillary is not gay n neither is her group... and fourth off ppl do like rachel i do.. a lot of ppl do n wut happened between her n hillary is NONE of ur buisness nor mine soo thats not ne1s place to b talking
who exactly r u to tell her who she can and cant hang out with? in highschool there are no POPULAR people its just a bunch of clicks and if your comments are meant to put sum1 down first think and c y ur life is screwed so much to where u put sum1 else down.
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