Last night was...something else. I woke up this morning and had this strange urge to disinfect every surface in my room.
It's been tainted by hobbit.
Being around Brittany is harder than I thought it would be. It doesn't help that my body seems to be a magnet for hers. I just wish I could tell Quinn about everything without feeling scared that she might, like...condemn me to the depths of hell or something. That probably wouldn't happen, she's all about "hating the sin and not the sinner." I'm just having trouble figuring out exactly where it is the two separate.
And Berry. I don't even know where to begin with that girl. She's annoying, first off, and she doesn't fucking know when to shut up. I was probably meaner to her than I should've been last night...but beyond the sexual frustration with Brittany, it's like I have all of these secrets bottled up inside and I can't vocalize them. So instead I channel them other ways. Which mostly just results in me being a bigger bitch than I usually am.
Honestly, I didn't even know that was possible.