HUMANS vs. CYLONS: the femslash ficathons!

May 07, 2008 12:12

What is it?

An epic battle for the future of our species! getyourtoaster and hot_toaster are dueling Humans vs. Cylons, and it's time to choose your side! The fate of INTERNATIONAL FEMSLASH DAY hangs in the balance.

Which ficathon should I sign up for?

That depends on which side you choose! If you participate at hot_toaster expect to get/write more Cylon-centric perspectives; if you participate at getyourtoaster expect to get/write more human-centric perspectives.

But I'm Switzerland! Can I sign up for both?

Sure, as long as you're prepared to write two requests.

Does my story have to be about humans?

Yes! At least one human character should be the focus of your story. But we're leaving exactly what that might mean up to you.

Do my prompts have to be about humans?

Yup, likewise, each of your prompts should feature at least one human lady (i.e. someone who's not Three, Six, Eight, or Tory).

How do I submit my prompts?

It’s simple. You comment to this post with three requests in the following format:

Explicit Sex?

The prompt can either be comprised of a key word or set of keywords, a quote or lyrics, or an image. The "explicit sex" bit is there so that you can indicate whether or not you would like explicit sex in your fic. If you put "no," there will be no NC-17 content in the story you receive; if you put "yes," there may be NC-17 content in the story you receive (but it won’t necessarily be there).

How do I let you know what I am willing to write?

That’s simple too. Just put this at the bottom of your comment:

E-mail Address:
Characters/Pairings I Will Write:
Will I Write Explicit Sex?
Things I Won’t Write:

Things I won’t write should consist of certain pairings you hate (if there are any) and squicks you may have. The e-mail address is there so that we can e-mail you your assignment.

When do you stop accepting prompts?

The last day for submitting your prompts is June 1.

When will I get my assignment?

You’ll get your assignment a day or two after prompts close - i.e. somewhere around June 3.

When will my story be due?

Your story will be due on July 19, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FEMSLASH.

To whom should I send the story?

You don’t have to send it to anybody. You just post it to the community so that the person for whom it was intended - and everybody else! - can read and enjoy it.


Explicit Sex?

Explicit Sex?

Explicit Sex?

Writing Info

E-mail Address:
Characters/Pairings I Will Write:
Will I Write Explicit Sex?
Things I Won’t Write:

Got it?

Now start commenting!


8:humans, .signup

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