I pulled out my old violin tonight. I haven't played more than a few notes on it for about seven years (one of my younger sisters used it during much of that time, though, so it wasn't completely abandoned). As I had imagined, it was somewhat out of tune, so my youngest sister let me borrow her electronic tuner.
I set the tuner on a shelf so I could see it as I played the open strings, twisting the fine tuners and occasionally adjusting the pegs. My E string sounded strange, though. The electronic tuner kept saying it was in tune, but when I tested it by playing it together with the A string, it seemed off. Well, I hadn't played for a long time, so maybe I just couldn't remember the way they were supposed to sound together. I tried playing both the G and D--sounded good. D and A--just fine. A and E--urgh. Was the tuner incorrectly calibrated, or was it just me? I looked a little closer at the display and suddenly noticed, next to the letter E, what looked like a small, modified letter b. Yep, my string was perfectly tuned to E flat.
I discovered this literally seconds before my youngest sister burst in the door and shouted, "Your E is so flat! Stop playing it with the A!" (Alas for my poor sister's ears! Feel free to cringe in aural sympathy.)
In other music-type things, I adore this
sheet music. It is without question the funniest sheet music I've ever seen.