Title: Bearings
Fandom: Hellsing (the 13-episode TV series)
Rating: PG
Word count: 695
Spoilers: Up through episode 6, "Dead Zone"
Summary: Sir Integra Hellsing reviews her troops.
Author's Note: Inspired by
this prompt from my folk song/Christmas carol meme.
Sir Integra reviewed her forces late into the night, assigning soldiers to different troops, moving the experienced ones where they were most needed and shifting newer recruits where they would be likely to see the right amount of action--enough to keep them learning and on their toes, but not quite enough to completely overwhelm them. Multiple folders lay open on her desk, along with papers in neat piles. She flipped a page over and paused, staring at the photo underneath.
The holly bears a berry
As red as any blood
That fluttering overcoat, flashing a brilliant red, a matching cravat, and a wide-brimmed, almost floppy hat to top off the outfit. On anyone else it would look strange, probably even ridiculous. Alucard made it work, though, doubtless because he had the power and genuine menace to back it up. He had chosen the ensemble himself, long ago, and it suited him. It was very striking, fitting nicely with his love of making a dramatic entrance. It also made an excellent target, which was a helpful tactical advantage. None of her other fighters could survive such a storm of bullets at point-blank range, not even that little chit of a vampire Alucard had just turned. Integra also suspected that Alucard's choice of that particular shade of red helped whet his appetite for gore just that little bit more.
The holly bears a blossom
As white as any flower
Integra pulled out another folder. That new vampire, Seras Victoria. Sometimes Integra wished she'd gone ahead with her first impulse to have the thing simply taken care of immediately.
Integra had very little patience for most forms of innocence. In her view, it was little more than ignorance or dishonesty, a refusal to see things as they truly were. It had been bad enough taking another vampire under her service, but when that vampire had turned out to be such a pure, innocent, sweet, weak-willed little thing? Integra had no idea how someone so squeamish had managed to become a police officer. And as a vampire with very little experience in proper self-control, Seras was worse than dead weight. She was an explosion waiting to happen, a loose cannon more likely to harm their side than the enemies'.
Still, she had to admit that the girl was learning, albeit slowly. There were times when Integra thought she might even end up being useful. The same sweetness and innocence that were holding her back also made it very easy for the enemy to underestimate her. If only they could get her to stop underestimating herself.
The holly bears a prickle
As sharp as any thorn
And faithful Walter. He knew how to be exquisitely proper, and just as exquisitely deadly. If Alucard was the bright, colorful target who attracted all the attention, Walter was the shadow in the corners, the darkness that all children believed hid monsters--and they were right.
Walter took pride in his skill, as well he should, but there was something deeper going on. She watched recordings of his fights, both the earlier and more recent ones, and she thought she saw a certain glee in his face as he sliced his way through the oncoming throngs. It was a joy in destruction that was far more restrained than Alucard's, of course, and perhaps it was simply a necessary attribute for the work he did. Still, it worried her a bit. She had to keep a close eye on all of her troops, watching for red flags and making sure they weren't about to crack under the pressure. But Walter had served her so well for so long, and she trusted him so much. He was the only one she had to consciously remind herself to keep a careful watch on.
Integra rearranged a few more papers into different files and then closed and neatly piled up all the folders. They made a thick stack, a tangible representation of the power she controlled and wielded like a sword against the forces of darkness. She allowed herself a slight, quick smile at the thought.
Of all the trees within the wood
The holly bears the crown