gossipgirlnews is automated, meaning we use a script to automatically sort and compile the newsletter from recent links in
our Delicious account. Editors spend about 15 minutes every day reading their assigned filter and collecting, labeling, and tagging links for our Delicious. Three times a week, an editor runs the script, proofreads and
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Comments 16
(1) I'll need to know which filter you'd prefer to take, Blair/Chuck or News/General. News/General is quite a bit more work, but possibly more interesting if you don't ship Blair/Chuck.
(2) I'll need whichever e-mail you'd like to use for newsletter business, preferably one you check daily. (We use a mailing list to communicate.)
(3) Once I friend you with the watcher journal (don't friend back), you should review the following sections of our manual: Getting Setup (which will include links to a couple programs you'll need to download), Finding Links, Adding Links to Delicious and All About Tagging. Once you've chosen your filter, you can read its primer in the Learning Your Filter section. (Blair/Chuck filter = shipping filter.)
I (caitiedidit) will be happy to answer any questions you might have, either via this thread, by PM, or by e-mail (
3. sounds good! i'll let you know if i have any questions.
Anyway, you're all set on our end! Just comment here when you're ready to start so we can ease off collecting the links and give you a chance to try out the system. Then I'll give the links you've tagged a once-over, and you can officially take over. :)
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