Title: First Kiss(es)
Pairing: Sato Shori / Matsumura Hokuto / Tanaka Juri / Morimoto Shintaro / Morohoshi Shoki.
Length: ~ 3378 words.
Summary: Shori and Hokuto have been dating for a month but they haven’t kissed yet. Shoki, Juri (and Shintaro?) decide to help.
Note: For Ri’s birthday. Also, I might have taken your prompt too literally, sorry. As
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Comments 2
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i'm so glad you like it!! ;; and sobs juri/shintaro is also my favourite stuff as well. and shoki, well, i like shoki with everyone lmao. thank you so, so much for reading this♡ and sure, i think i added you back!! ;; since i don't rlly know if this app works, i'll check tomorrow on web to see if i did it correctly. thanks again!♡
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clueless shintaro is my favourite shintaro ;; he's just meant to be the cutest thing or a sex god there's no inbetween
yes sobs, i wanted to write hokuto like he really trusted in shori, like he didn't mind waiting because he knew they really loved each other and /screams/ you made me ship this without even realizing it. also, i'm glad you knew hokuto was the one to say "i love you" because later i realized it wasn't that clear ;;
i'm so glad you liked it!! ;;
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