ok.. so ive thought some more about the campaign i want to run.... its going to be a world of my creation.... but world building is a gargantuan undertaking ... so .. im going to bounce a few of the concepts around here and see what i get back..
the campaign itself is going to be fairly dark.. my creativity doesnt lend well to light-hearted realities.. which is true of most games i run (anyone ive DM'd for knows this) Im not unfair as a DM... and i try to give plenty of warnings and escapes before i completly bowl over characters physically... but psychologically and emotionally.... i have little compassion for what i do. .... a warning.. i suppose... to any future players...
the world itself, however, isnt dark in any way..other than what is normal for any fantasy world. For the most part.. its a peaceful place... with normal people doing normal things. With that said... here are the world features i have so far.... but they arent set in stone and may change... this is just a sketch
Religion = Dualism (all sane goodly people worship or acknowledge the existance of a good, creative, postive god/force that is responsible for creation and order in the world. But.. where there is light.. there must be dark and there exists a twin to all that is good... a dark, destructive, negative evil.. that works to bring down all that is.)
Low Magic (at some point in the world history... magic was more accepted.. but due to an event long past.. all but the simpilist of healing spells are shunned or outlawed. players can have a spell casting character... but they will have to be creative in keeping it secret... and have reasons for abandoning their own beliefs that magic is evil)
Human is THE player race. (I may change this cause some wont play in a game where they have to be human... *shrugs* we'll see)
All the characters will come from the same small village... and i'll have full in-depth discriptions of all the residents and places of that village before the game starts that the players can use to create their own backstories. I want every player to feel like he or she grew up in that small village... and that they belong there.
that is what i have so far...