Title: No Truth Unturned
Character(s)/Pairing: Todd Manning, Heather Webber, Sam McCall
Rating: K
Word Count: 252
Challenge: #111 Unexpected Twist
Summary: The truth about Sam's baby is finally revealed.
A/N - obviously this requires a slightly different version of events to have occurred.
Todd liked to think of himself as relatively unflappable. Port Charles had been testing that, but never so much as today. There was something horrifying about Heather Webber's manic face, her crazy eyes - Todd could only wonder where the lines between insanity and pure evil crossed.
More heartbreaking was Sam McCall, who hadn't smiled a real smile in all the time Todd had known her, whose somber eyes had been feeding guilt that Todd wasn't used to feeling. She was holding a baby-blanket, looking like something out of a damn nightmare. The others had taken the baby away and now it was just the three of them - and the truth.
"I switched the babies." Heather said. Gleeful. Triumphant. "You both thought you could outwit me but I switched the babies!"
Sam looked at him. Something about it reminded him of Starr, of Blair, waiting, inexplicably, for him to fix things. Todd looked at the test results. The babies - one alive, one dead. He couldn't fix that.
"But I switched the babies." Todd said.
"You switched the babies." Heather said, mockingly. "After I switched the babies."
Why she was so cruel, Todd couldn’t fathom - it was inhuman, but there was no mistaking the absolute joy on her face as she drank in Sam's crumpled face, the tears and eerie blankness.
"Your baby died - out in the cold, in a box, all alone - and I switched it with Tea's baby. Tea's baby is alive and yours is dead."