card quiz

Mar 04, 2008 14:39

Stolen from Ari...because it had been way too long without a quiz

You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Edit> and this from taichara

You are a dog
Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can't be human.

The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 21.1kHzFind out which ringtones you can hear!

Please do go check it out? I'm not kidding or lying when I say I heard them all up to that one, some better than others, but definitely hear. In fact, I hear the 16.7 worst than all the others... incluyding those upwards. Someone else?
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