Those scenes are genius. I thought the self-surgery in the movie was astounding, until I read the original. !!!! Lord, the self-hatred, followed by that look of "surly triumph"... over what? Whom?
An interesting feller, to say the very least. *love*
Reading this poem I had the clearest picture of Jack in their worst moments together --bastard, liar, coward-- and their best --sweet heart, plum. But the clincher was the image of the dreadful Dr. McAdam, singing "Croppies Lie Down" in Stephen's face. grrrrr....
I wanted to hit him for "Croppies Lie Down" and other anti-Catholic ranting, but Stephen deserved the crack about laudanum. He brought it on himself with his smartassery about McAdam's drinking. Fair enough, I thought.
And so far, McAdam's the only one who's had the guts to upbraid Stephen about his drug problem. (Or maybe he's the only one who knows? Jack certainly doesn't.)
So he has his uses, I suppose, if only to make Stephen question his Poppy Problem. But mostly, yeah, McAdam needs to be smacked upside. I am heartily sorry for the McAdams in my family tree, and hope mine were all much better people. ;-)
Hm. If McAdam was sharp enough to spot the very secret laudanum use, maybe he did know that Stephen was Catholic. He only escaped a pointy death because Stephen was sure he didn't know.
Its almost a confusing thing to read this wonderful poem and think not only of Stephen, but of Patrick O'Brian himself. Lots of mysteries where he is concerned.
I'm a bit fearful of learning too much of O'Brian. He is so strongly identified with Stephen, and I love Stephen too much to want to see him in O'Brian. If that makes sense. Stephen is such a glorious creation, among only three in my personal pantheon (and one of those a real person).
You know the Gunroom's insistence that Jack and Stephen are Real People from History. ;-) That's me.
And then, O'Brian's writing is among the most beautiful I've ever encountered. Does it lose its mysterious grandeur, when you recognize elements from the man's life? That's not rhetorical: I'm asking.
Wow, is this ever neurotic. Reading back over this, it's clear I have aloof-godlike-creator issues with O'Brian. :-o
Clue? Anyone? I'm buying, and I'll pay handsomely. :-D
Comments 21
An interesting feller, to say the very least. *love*
The dear.
Reading this poem I had the clearest picture of Jack in their worst moments together --bastard, liar, coward-- and their best --sweet heart, plum. But the clincher was the image of the dreadful Dr. McAdam, singing "Croppies Lie Down" in Stephen's face. grrrrr....
And so far, McAdam's the only one who's had the guts to upbraid Stephen about his drug problem. (Or maybe he's the only one who knows? Jack certainly doesn't.)
So he has his uses, I suppose, if only to make Stephen question his Poppy Problem. But mostly, yeah, McAdam needs to be smacked upside. I am heartily sorry for the McAdams in my family tree, and hope mine were all much better people. ;-)
Hm. If McAdam was sharp enough to spot the very secret laudanum use, maybe he did know that Stephen was Catholic. He only escaped a pointy death because Stephen was sure he didn't know.
God and Mary with you!
I'm a bit fearful of learning too much of O'Brian. He is so strongly identified with Stephen, and I love Stephen too much to want to see him in O'Brian. If that makes sense. Stephen is such a glorious creation, among only three in my personal pantheon (and one of those a real person).
You know the Gunroom's insistence that Jack and Stephen are Real People from History. ;-) That's me.
And then, O'Brian's writing is among the most beautiful I've ever encountered. Does it lose its mysterious grandeur, when you recognize elements from the man's life? That's not rhetorical: I'm asking.
Wow, is this ever neurotic. Reading back over this, it's clear I have aloof-godlike-creator issues with O'Brian. :-o
Clue? Anyone? I'm buying, and I'll pay handsomely. :-D
There's an addition to the bestiary coming up, probably this week. Stay tuned!
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