20 Things

May 17, 2009 01:52

    1. My Fams VERY Well Known..I dont kno if thats a good thing or not but Im ALWAYS gonna have there back..I wus always known 'lil trouble' but I am always there for my fam and I kno their the same. Wouldnt have it any other way. KCG*
    2. Everyone knows me as the CRAZY One..and I consider that a good thing.. Nobody likes shy people..Be yourself
    3. I LOVE my daughter more than anythin...She is the impetime of perfection * Querina Alexis Melia * You brighten my day..EVERY day
    4. I never had my dad when I wus growin up & I TRULEY believe that someone had anwsered my prayers and put him back in my life..I love you Daddy <3
    5. I will ALWAYS be the best of friends with Jimmy no matter what happens . I havent moved on in the aspect of us never talking again. He is my best friend and if you can not accept that then you dont accept me . He has helped me with more things than I can count.
    6. I have a big fat Italian family...... I know your jealous.
    7. Our love is DIFFICULT but it's real.....We have the strongest connection and if it isnt right it STILL cant be wrong... <3
    8. I FIGHT for whats mine..& You Better believe it...I wont let ANYONE take what is supposed to be mine, or is mine...& I wont go down without a fight
    9. I'm VERY Independent..I got my own apartment and moved down here single handedley (with a lil help from a 'friend') and started a whole new life with my babygirl..So dont be sayin Im a bad mother..BITCH
    10. My mercedes is my baby...YES I am spoiled.. :)
    11. Querina is my mini-me....she is DEF. my daughter
    12. Weeed is somethin that gets me thru my day
    13. I have 2 Brothers... Kyle and Curtis, I have 2 Half Brothers Sean & Dillion, 2 Step sisters Laur & Mishy and a Step Brother Robbie...But they are stilll my 100% If you Ask me .
    14. Im not shy...Im Just a Bitch
    15. DONT  get me started with Rocky...
    16. I Can speak Portuguese,
    17. I Will be the BEST mother to both my children when this baby is born and even though Me & Yan havent been together for so long he will be the best father <3
    18. I have worked as a secretary for YEARS...but I cannot wait to go back to school
    19. I think about my past every day I miss my girls CAE &KY So uch...143
    20. Everyone keeps askin....YAN wants a Girl..I want a Boy..In the end .. as long as it's healthy..Its Ours..and we cannot wait

    * Yano.... * te amo..Besitos Baby <3

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