That's what you call a 'championship moment', bitches!
Haven't updated for awhile...we crushed the competition at Wildwood. First place with a final score of 95.2, the highest score ever given to a novice guard, while second place was a distant 92.5, which also gave us the largest margin of victory ever in novice class.
Ms. Jay and Diz came down to see us perform at Wildwood, which meant so much to me it was ridiculous. I was so excited to see them. Plus, of the at LEAST ten people who told me throughout the season (usually more than once) that they were going to come to a show, only three actually did--Ms. Jay, Diz, and KT. I dunno, it just always makes me so happy when people take that extra effort to do something for you, when they know it'll mean a lot to you.
This season left me kind of disillusioned with some people in the color guard. It kinda made me see that although they are all great people, some of them I just wouldn't really be friends with outside of color guard. I think I also forget sometimes that some of these girls are three or so years younger and I can't exactly expect the same level of maturity as my senior friends.
I'm applying for a job at the Pufferbelly tomorrow, I think. I need a job. And waitressing...well, I have experience and I'll probably get the most money from it. And anything is a step up from the diner, I guess. I just hope hope HOPE it's not like last year where I worked the same hours every week. Because I'm not giving up my whole weekend again like I did last summer. That SUCKED.