Week 43 Dreamscape: Submission Post

Apr 01, 2007 11:32

The theme for this week is Dreamscape. The definition can be found here, and synonyms here. You can convey the theme through imagery or words, whichever you choose. If you are unsure of whether your icon(s) obviously express the theme, then feel free to provide an explanation when you submit it.

The standard requirements are as follows:

01; Your icon(s) must fit LJ standards: 100x100 pixels or less, 40kb or less.
02; No posting your icon(s) until after the theme is over.
03; Icons should be freshly made, and not participating in any other icontest/awards communities.

Members are allowed to submit two icons if you should choose to do so.

Submit like so:

URL: http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/7453/image12oe.png
Movie: Howl's Moving Castle

Icons should be submitted to this screened post by Friday, April 6th, at 9:00 PM EST. If I am late with posting the voting, then late entries will be accepted.

The deadline is an hour earlier this week since I will be needing to come to Powell's for internet access until I can find a fairly cheap internet provider. Good thing I live only a 5 minute bike ride away. :D


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