Week 47 Provided Textures: Winners

May 06, 2007 20:50

I need more voters por favor! Or will I have to break out the extra reminders with their annoying blinkie tags and sparkley text to catch people's attention and compell them to vote? ;P Thank you to all who participated but a special congratulations to our winners!

First Place
Second Place
Third Place *


Kiki's Delivery Service
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

*As you placed and are bannermaker for this week, I will make your banner.

This week's bannermaker shall be pandaris. If you would like a banner, you must leave a comment specifically stating so.

Click here to submit for Week 48: Heroine! Which reminds me I need to send my mother a card...


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