I always intended to keep a running wishlist of things I would want and my birthday is coming up (June 12!) so at the risk of seeming horribly selfish, here's my wishlist, if you were wondering. I don't mean to be greedy like I want all these things - some are pricey anyway - but I was just bored anyway.
American Apparel Interlock running short. They're red and white and short and fabulous. Or maybe the green are nicer?
American Apparel shirtdress. Or just a shirtdress in general. Maybe in black, or white, or some other color that wouldn't be heinous on me, but not navy blue, because Perri already owns that one.
Arrested Development DVD, either season really. After watching all the shows I'll probably be even more depressed that it was canceled.
Elizabeth Arden green tea perfume. I like the scent because it's not that girly.
A subscription to Bust magazine. It would strengthen my shaky feminist leanings, something Sally would appreciate.
Subscription to Nylon magazine
Anything off of Soul Jazz Records looks promising.
- Any CDs I might like. Or maybe just a mix CD of things I might like. Right now I like hip-hop/rap and any new stuff I haven't heard and I always like female artists/bands
- Books, because I never read anymore. I prefer modern to old, I think.
- Any fun jewelry, but not tacky. I hate tacky.