This is what I get for reading the suicide statistics all night. My brain is full of numbers right now. Did you know most suicides regret it shortly before they die? That's what they say anyway...I mean, how would you really know? Host a seance? (Those things are bogus, by the way. At least most are. I mean, most ghosts know not to talk to
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Comments 7
I think...
(get online!)
[[I can't ;_; I have to go to work in twenty minutes. I'll be home around 11 your time ._. But I'll be on early Monday I swear!]]
Sure. Bond. You, me...and Alice, yeah. Because even tho it's new!Bond, it's fucking Bond.
Eep, suicide stats. Some scary stuff. Hell, I might be a suicidal bastard, but at least I haven't done anything like that for a good long time.
Didja hear that squee? That was me. You're the best, Chief!
Oh and man you should see some of the stuff these people did trying to get to suicide status.
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