This'll hurt in a bit...

Jul 03, 2010 20:00

I haven't been this badly sunburned since I last went to the beach. That's what six hours hauling heavy stuff around and garage cleaning will do to you ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

chilayse July 4 2010, 01:36:50 UTC

Maybe you can sell the air conditioners on craigslist?

Oh. Just wondering since the con schedule on your site doesn't go that far are you going to be at zenkaikon in 2011?


ghostfire July 4 2010, 01:41:31 UTC
I'm planning on it. I think they'll be opening their AA tables soon.


chilayse July 4 2010, 01:43:42 UTC
Uh...they're already open and almost full....


ghostfire July 4 2010, 01:55:49 UTC
Aww... jeez. I got the last couple of emails, including one that said it would be opening shortly (on June 28), but not one that said it was actually open.


ramothhe July 4 2010, 01:50:52 UTC
Hiyee! (its Mattie) Yeah, we sent you an email before we opened and didn't hear back. So glad you are still interested! I hope we used the right email address ^^;;

But yeah we still have a few tables open. Link is here:


ghostfire July 4 2010, 01:56:19 UTC
Aww... jeez. I got the last couple of emails, including one that said it would be opening shortly (on June 28), but not one that said it was actually open. :(


ramothhe July 4 2010, 02:01:16 UTC
Yeah that email said "Please be on the lookout on our site and twitter and such for when we announce that it is open." I'm glad you at least got our email though! I'm sure there's a way we can still fit you in, never fear :D


ghostfire July 4 2010, 02:11:58 UTC
The email said there'd also be something on the announcement mailing list. Is that a different list from the other emails?

Ah, thanks. It looks like that hallway is the same one we were at two years ago... maybe. :P It's so hard to remember the building layout.


shinotenshi02 July 7 2010, 03:41:28 UTC

*offers gentle hugs to avoid sunburn* Sympathies...I hate sunburns, and I burn FAR too easily, so yah. Major sympathies.

I love my stickers I bought at ANext from you though, and so have my friends/family I gave gifts of them too. ^^ It was also nice to see you again and chatter, so I hope it was a good and productive trip.


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