Title: Shades of Comfort
Author: Ghost4
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I’m making no money. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Synopsis: Sam and Dean hit a few snags while running an errand for Bobby. H/C. Rating for language.
Rating: M for language
Genre: Gen. Hurt/Comfort. Family.
Word Count: 19,000
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a little one shot to get me through a small case of writers block. While on a chat, I asked everyone (two Sam!girls, one Dean!girl, and one Brothers!girl) what their favorite H/C was. The responses I received were: Concussion, Restraints, Intubations, and Blood-loss. The idea was to write a little H/C piece using everyone’s favorite type of injury. Short and fun. *sigh*. Not so much.
So this is dedicated to my chat buddies… hope you guys like it.
As always: Any responses, good, bad, or indifferent, are very welcome.
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 11 Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 12 Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 13 Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 14 Chapter 5 Chapter 10 _____________________________________________________________________________________
This was originally written and posted 11/12 of 2009, and I never got it up here. Not completely, anyway. I'm fixing that now. Sorry for the repost of a few chapters. Hopefully this is the only post you'll see, but I'm not very good with LJ, so I apologize in advance.