Title: Untold lives
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist manga
Characters:Sheshka, Gracia, Elysia. Possible Sheshka/Furey and Sheshka/Winry
Rating: G
Summary: My chpt 104 fic. A piece of Sheshka's life
Warnings: spoilers for chpt 104
Chapter Length: 1500+
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Comments 2
The only indespensible background is that General Hughes was murdered after discovering that his country's government was being secretly run by an immortal monster, who intends to consume the souls of everyone in the country during a solar eclipse, in order to attain godhood. Colonel Mustang lead a coup to prevent this, which, in chpt 104 turned out not to have entirely succeeded. So Gracia Hughes, Winry, Srgt Fuery and almost every other character dropped dead at the same time Sheshka does, but its hoped that they'll recover.
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