i don't know what to do.
i don't like my senior project pictures.
they're not at all what i wanted/expected.
this one of Jacqueline is really the only one i like because it's not posed.
i just don't like them
the pictures that is
i like the people, except Chance (the dude after Andrew.)
i really wanted the animal masks for my shoot
but i couldn't find any until monday
when amber had the coolest Giraffe mask in her car.
almost a whole month AFTER i take the photos.
and the back drop is wrinkly
and the photos are kind of blurry/fuzzy
because the tripod ms. mantey has is a piece of shit.
i don't know what to do.
do i retake the photos?
do i just use completely different photos?
or do i just deal with it and use these for part of my gallery anyways?
god damn it.