Your result for The Attachment Style Test...
The Free Agent
You like to be independent, to play by your own rules. You're not terribly interested in finding a partner and settling down, and it makes you nervous to imagine that someone might depend on you for anything. Were you to find the right partner--someone as independent as you, probably--you'd not be too put out about sharing your adventures with him/her.
Fictional characters with whom you might identify: Han Solo (Star Wars), Beatrice ("Much Ado About Nothing")
Other Attachment Types:
The Unicorn |
The Cuddleslut |
The Free Agent Preoccupied:
The Cling Wrap |
The Squid |
The Insect Fearful:
The Doormat |
The Leper |
The Exile Dismissing:
The Hermit |
The Stone |
The Player Confused:
The Waffler Take The Attachment Style Test at
HelloQuizzy Anyway.
Stressful night at work.
Worriment over apartment issues and such.
And feeling unusually lonely, Which i blame entirely on all the couples that were in walmart tonight. Doesn't that just suck? When you see all these happy couples your age, and you be single. Makes you think " what the hell is wrong with me?"
It's cool tho. Most of those are gonna end up with kids and divorces in the next year or so, so I'm cool.