To appease the mods of damnyouwentz. Full story on the way.
Patrick had taken to wearing sweaters to bed.
He had reasons for it - but since logic and reasoning dictated his day-to-day operation, Patrick Stump had reasons for everything. His sweater reasoning, however, went beyond the fact that the bus was always freezing, or that on the rare and blissful occasion when they got a night in a hotel he could never manage to work the thermostat, and when he did manage to figure the damned thing out it was only enough to give him the luxury of the choice between Kenya or Antarctica.
He chose Antarctica.
-I feel like I'm stealing that from someone, but I certainly hope not. Also, I had an idea for a very simple story but the more I think about it's turning out to be rather porntastic, which I don't know if I'm ready to write yet, so we'll see what comes of it.
Night. More fic-ing to come.