Whether you were with me when I was "goth", "emo", "scene", "alternative", "unique", "extreme" or "drama kid."
Whether we had a million inside jokes/memories or just one.
Whether I now love you, hate you, lost touch with you, talk shit about you, hang out with you, was in love with you, or anything else... I would just like to thank you for making my high school years what they were. As I anticipate moving on to college, I think that I may not be where I am at because of you. I hope not to forget a single person, but I know it is impossible for me to remember everyone. You all shaped me for what I am. Whether we are best friends or you broke my heart. Thank you all.
To those who really stand out:
Dani H.
Mandie (Deeman) B.
Lindsey D.
Amy D.
Michael James G.
Michael H.
Justin D.
Kat B.
Nick B.
Carissa C.
Matty M.
Andrella B.
Adam R.
Charles C.
George C.
Lauren C.
Jay S.
Kevin F.
Jeff P.
Brad B.
Eric W.
Skip S.
The Caravan
P. Ross
R. Ross
Drama Kids
Cast and Crew of: No, No, Nanette, 42nd Street and Love Actually
Publix Kids
My family and those I consider family who are not directly related. (My big brother Chad R.)
And even to the kids that I have recently met who have made my summer. (Mylene, Ryan, Josh, Shawn and Jon)
Thanks again and don't expect any sentiment out of me for a few years after this.