(no subject)

Oct 29, 2009 02:41

Title: Untitled Drabble No. 4
Characters: Donna, Ten
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Me no own.
Summary: For a good 15 minutes the Doctor had been trying to persuade Donna that he suffered from claustrophobia.
Author Notes: Written for the WDC 26 at doctor_donna. The prompt word was claustrophobia.

Untitled Drabble No. 4
(I suck at titles.)

For a good 15 minutes the Doctor had been trying to persuade Donna that he suffered from claustrophobia. Donna was getting a mite annoyed with his constant whining. “Last week,” she hissed at him sharply, “we were hiding in a closet.”

At his would-be blank look, she repeated, “A closet!”

The Doctor still managed to pull off a reasonably confused expression. Donna didn’t buy it. She shoved her face into his and said through clenched teeth, “A closet that was far smaller than this waiting room. A closet, too,” her voice took on a warning tone that clearly spelled ‘don’t mess with me, spaceman’, “that we spent nearly three hours in, practically entwined with each other, because some dunderhead of an alien had to insult the highest-ranking official on the entire planet. That’s three very uncomfortable hours of my life I will never get back.”

The Doctor looked like he wanted to say something - probably something irrelevant about time and travel - but Donna wouldn’t have any of it. “And,” she said, her voice still a warning, “that same dunderhead of an alien, did he once show any sign of claustrophobia while we were thus ensconced in that very small, enclosed space?”

“I didn’t want to burden you with my suffering,” said the Doctor and ignored Donna’s ‘pah’. “I only suffer claustrophobia in large-ish waiting rooms. Come on, Donna. I’m bored. Why can’t we just go to the TARDIS and be away?”

“Yeah, because that worked so well on the last but two planets. I think I still have the scorch marks.” Donna grimaced. “No, Doctor, this time, we’re going the official way. You’ll pay your fine for illegal parking and they’ll unclamp the TARDIS.”

weekly drabble challenge, fic : doctor who

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