Goodbye Dad

Apr 21, 2021 17:21

Goodbye Dad
650 words.
tag to 15.20.
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester junior.
Character Death.

Sam is on his deathbed, leaving his son Dean to think back on their life together.

The only sounds in the room were the hum of machinery powering down and the quiet sobs of the young man perched on the bed, holding his father’s hand.

Young Dean felt the last breath leave Sam Winchester’s emaciated body as if it had been exhaled by his very own lungs.
Growing up, he and his dad had shared a strong bond.
Dean had always sensed there was something more between them than with normal fathers and sons and the day Sam had sat him down to tell him about what was hidden from view, unknown and unnoticed by the majority of humanity, Dean’s certainty came to fruition.

He’d discovered, his mouth hanging open in amazement, that his dad and his Uncle Dean for whom he’d been named, had been hunters. They searched out and killed the evil things that preyed on humans. Although the sixteen-year-old had been hungry for more information, for details about the life his dad had led, Sam had refused to do more than give him supernatural 101.

Little by little though, as Dean had grown older, Sam had filled in some of the blanks, mostly on how to protect the house and family from monsters.
His dad had taught him how to draw a demon’s trap, how to secure the house with salt lines, how always to keep a copious supply of holy water in the house, in the car, and wherever he might be staying for more than a few days. To top it all off, Sam had taken Dean to a tattoo parlor where an intricate tattoo was inked on his arm.

Like any teen, Dean had experienced a mix of dread combined with excitement at the idea that monsters roamed the Earth, ready to jump out from around corners and attack people.
He wondered if he would have been as courageous as his father and uncle in hunting down and facing off with vampires, werewolves, and other creepy-crawlies which up until then had only been imaginary horrors in books and films, but Sam had quickly vetoed any hidden aspirations Dean might have harbored to follow in his dad’s footsteps and become a hunter.

“I’m telling you all this only for your own protection, son,” Sam had stated, “and of those you love, and will come to love in the future but in no way must you take it into your head to become a hunter. You’ll only end up getting killed like your Uncle Dean and countless others, including your grandparents and even great-grandparents. It has to stop with you.

Notwithstanding, my brother and I were trained from infancy on how to tackle the supernatural, you never can learn enough. It only takes a tiny distraction to get you killed and I don’t want that for you, Dean. I want you to have a great life, not one where you need to be on the lookout for danger every minute of the day. Then,” Sam had added with a sigh. “Your Uncle Dean and I were kind of ‘special’. Our lives came with a backload of crap which thankfully you aren’t cursed with.”

Every time Sam mentioned his dead brother’s name, his eyes would glaze over and sometimes young Dean would feel a spike of jealousy. Although he knew his dad loved him, for Sam had demonstrated it in every possible way, somehow the kid understood that something even stronger than love linked Sam Winchester to his dead brother Dean.

Now, as he held his father’s hand, devastated by his death, the grieving young man realized that Sam had wanted this, had done nothing to avoid his illness, and in fact, had embraced it almost with a smile on his face, just as the one which graced his corpse now.

His father and uncle were reunited.
Of that Dean was certain and although Sam had never come out and said it, though he’d been a great dad and a devoted husband, he’d been waiting patiently for this, to be together once more with his big brother.

Dean couldn’t have said how long he sat there, holding his dad’s hand, imagining him meeting his Uncle Dean in Heaven. He knew Heaven really did exist, his father had told him about it and about Hell and Purgatory too, though he’d never elaborated further.

About Jack the new god, Rowena the witch-queen of Hell or Eve mother of monsters in the shadow world of Purgatory, Sam had never informed him.
Sam had reckoned that some things had to remain a mystery and telling his son about beings whom Sam hoped his son would never need to interact with, at least not until he too left this world to take his place in the hereafter for eternity, was redundant.

Sam had been saddened by the fact that he had no guarantees as to where his son would end up.
That depended on young Dean and on what his future would bring.
Like Sam himself and his big brother, his son would make his own mark on life and Sam had hoped it would end with him one day introducing Uncle Dean to his nephew in Heaven.

The end

angst and feels, sam winchester

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