Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
While Jensen is waiting to hook up with a zoom convention for charity, he thinks back to the past and to Supernatural.
As he waited for the zoom connection to kick in with Misha Collins, Jensen stroked his beard, combing through it with his fingers.
He'd developed a love-hate relationship with the fuzz on his face, on the one hand, it meant he didn’t need to shave every day but on the other, he had the distinct impression that the mass of hair was weighing his head down like a brick.
With a chuckle, he imagined what Dean would say if his alter ego suddenly appeared before him. “Dude. What the fuck! I’m not letting you ride in my Baby. You’ll leave hairs all over the seats worse than Miracle.”
Despite the fact that he had this new character Soldier Boy to concentrate on, Jensen missed Dean Winchester terribly. When you interpret a character for 15 years, rolling out of bed in the morning with the words and actions spinning in your brain of how you’re going to portray him on-screen during the day’s filming, it’s hard to forget.
Jensen understood he was being childish, unprofessional even, mooning over his Dean Winchester character as if it were a love affair of fifteen years ended in a painful divorce, and but that was how it felt at times, well most of the time!
He consoled himself with the fact that filming for Soldier Boy was finally gearing up and it wouldn’t be long before he got to shave off the annoying beard, get his scenes filmed, and get back home to Austin.
It wasn’t as if he hadn’t let his beard grow out before, he and Jared had both stopped shaving each time they’d been on summer hiatus from filming Supernatural, but back then it had been completely different. With a smile, he remembered how they used to tease each other about who’s stubble would grow in thicker or who would have the first grey hairs dotting their beard.
Jensen exhaled a happy sigh, asking himself why every time he let his mind wander to his tall ex co-star, he instantly felt better; talking and texting Jared every day made his two-month absence from home a little easier to bear. But then, Jared had always possessed that power, the magical fluid to make Jensen feel better, to boost him up when he was exhausted, impatient, or having a bad day. Jared would give him a smile and a welcoming hug and everything would work itself out.
As for Jared’s new show, Jensen felt like a proud dad at the success Jared was having with Walker. It couldn’t happen to a sweeter, more deserving guy.
If he’d been back in Austin right now, he knew Jared would be giving him a minute-by-minute account of everything that was going on on-set, his enthusiasm bringing a fond smile to Jensen’s face. He let his mind wander back to the moments he and Jared had shared during the past years, good and bad. He was still lost in his memories when the laptop informed him it was time to hook up with Collins.
Jensen hadn’t been in the least happy when Misha had told him that he wanted to have a one on one zoom with him. The only reason Jensen had accepted was that it was for charity.
While he waited for Collins’s face to appear on screen, Jensen had to admit that one of the only perks about ending Supernatural was that he didn’t have to work with the actor again.
Jensen regarded himself as a professional, he’d been on film sets since he was no more than a kid and had interacted with loads of different people but there was something about Collins which got his hackles up.
Moreover, Jensen knew that Misha had leaned heavily on the writers to have his last big scene in season fifteen, with a completely out of place and ambiguous declaration of Castiel’s love for Dean.
The scene had taken ages to film, principally because Jensen kept bursting out in laughter at the expressions on ‘Castiel's face, causing the director to continuously call ‘cut’!
In the end, Misha had recited his lines alone while Jensen waited off-camera, only coming back on set to have his expression of ‘surprise and non-reciprocation” at the angel’s declaration, filmed.
When he and Jared had watched the finished episode after coming back to Vancouver to film the last two episodes, they’d burst out laughing at the entire scene and Jared had then teased him unmercifully about it.
“Just think, Jen. You could have hugged Castiel in heaven instead of Sam. Let Dean spend eternity with an angel, no less.”
“There’s only one person Dean wants to spend eternity with and that’s Sam, but sometimes Sam can be an annoying little bitch, just like one Jared Padalecki.” Jensen had growled, feigning anger.
Good times, Jensen grinned to himself, a warm wave of nostalgia washing over him.
But as he got ready to talk with Collins, Jensen felt optimistic. He and Jared would make new memories together. They might not be about Dean and Sam but they would be just as awesome.
“Jensen. How are you? It’s good to see you again.”
Jensen plastered a false smile on his face and like the professional he was, got on with the job. “It’s good to see you too, dude.”
The end