Fic:- Brothers With Benefits

Feb 12, 2022 20:18

Title:- Brothers With Benefits
Author:- giacinta2 (deanandsam)
Words:- 1250
Fandom:- Supernatural
Rating:- explicit
Characters/ Pairing:- Sam/Dean
Summary:- Since Sam and Dean became lovers, their sex life has turned out to be way more complicated than either could have imagined.

His big brother curled into his chest after a bout of sex was one of the aspects of their lovemaking that Sam had come to enjoy most, though nothing could have prepared him either mentally or physically for the sensations fucking his brother had given him.

Sure, he and Dean had always been closer than normal siblings, Sam was ready to admit to that even if the closeness had been interspaced with punches and moments of misunderstanding. However, that brotherly relationship had exploded into a sizzling bomb of eroticism and lust when they became brothers with benefits.
And what benefits!

Although Sam liked to think of himself as the more moderate one as far as sex was concerned, though he’d fucked his way through a fair share of women especially when he was soulless, what he now shared with Dean went far beyond anything he’d experienced before. It wasn’t just a meeting of bodies but also of souls.

That’s what Sam told himself anyway, for there was no easy way to explain his and Dean’s relationship in ordinary mundane terms. They’d kill for each other, die for each other and now they fucked each other like rabbits, eager to experience the bliss of their coming together, over and over.

Obsessive relationships however can have side effects that Sam could never have imagined.
When he was with Jessica, he’d never have dreamed of curtailing her in any way, telling her what to do or ordering her around, but with Dean he’d reached the point of wanting to hide him away, keep him for himself, a love slave to alternately use or adore, depending on the moment.

Ultimately, Sam had come to realize that where Dean was concerned, he’d become as much a monster as those the Winchesters hunted.

“Big thoughts there, Sammy,“ Dean’s voice hummed unexpectedly, jolting Sam from his daydreaming.

Now that his brother was awake, Sam ran an exploratory hand down Dean’s chest stroking the smooth skin, playing with the small dusky nipples, gratified as they stiffened under his fondling. There was no getting away from it, Dean was hot as hell and inordinately receptive to Sam's touch!

“Not really, “ Sam replied. “I was just admiring your fuckability.”

“Well, there’s a compliment if ever I heard one,“ Dean huffed, but there was no fire to his words for he was as much under Sam’s spell as Sam was under his.
They only demonstrated their love in different ways.

Dean who had always been the cocky, snarky one, morphed into a wanton hussy at Sam’s touch, eager to comply with Sam’s every whim, while Sam, touted as the empathic puppy-eyed baby brother, had taken on the role of dominator.

When they worked a case, Dean acted out his hunter persona to perfection, keeping a protective eye on Sam while ganking all the monsters he could.
In bed, however, it was Sam who took control, reversing their roles completely.
Moreover, Sam found himself having to deal with a wave of jealousy so overwhelming whenever anyone glanced Dean’s way, that at times he didn’t recognize himself.

“And here I believed you loved me for my intellect,” Dean sighed melodramatically, though he was almost purring as he reacted to Sam’s caresses.

“I do,” Sam chuckled, cupping his brother’s cheek, ” but I can’t fuck your brain, whereas your ass my attentions.”

With an eye roll, Dean stretched his neck to kiss his brother’s lips.
He was irremediably addicted to Sam, a drug he could no longer do without, every kiss only fuelling that addiction more and more until all Dean wanted was to be surrounded by Sam forever.

In a perverse way, Sam got off on Dean’s need, happy to deliver doses of the drug Dean so ardently craved, for it meant his brother would never betray him with another.
Dean had a strong sex drive but Sam was able to satisfy him completely. The fact that Dean was also a closeted submissive, at least where Sam was concerned, gave extra buzz to their sex life and Sam enjoyed nothing more than testing it out.

“You’ve said many times that you love every inch of me, Dean. Does that include my big toe?”
Dean glanced at his brother with a frown. “Getting a tad literal there, Sammy.“

“Suck on my toe, Dean," Sam ordered. “ Turn around on the bed and keep your ass facing towards me.”

Dean glanced at Sam with a doubtful expression, unsure if Sam was just fucking around with him, but when he met Sam’s eyes, he understood his brother was serious.
Crawling around on the bed, Dean straddled Sam’s groin, his cock and balls grazing his brother’s, his bare butt exposed to Sam’s gaze.

“I’m waiting, Dean,” Sam chided. “Get a move on!”

As Dean sucked the toe into his mouth, a wave of arousal washed over the younger man.
Apart from the fact that there was a certain sexual pleasure from having one’s toe licked and sucked, it was by far the notion that Dean would do anything he asked, that fuelled Sam’s arousal.
And Sam was aroused! Moreover, he had Dean’s ass just in the right position for him to fondle the perfectly curved cheeks.

He grinned as he felt Dean’s cock hardening against his belly, his balls tightening at Sam's petting. Running a questing finger along his brother’s butt crack, Sam teased the puckered opening.

Dean was pretty all over, Sam had no problem admitting it, and created for sex. Sam had fucked his brother many times now, taking delight from having such power over him in every way. It was more than delightful, it was ecstatic.
And right now Sam wanted to feel that pleasure once more.

“That’s enough, Dean,“ he voiced hoarsely. "Move up the bed. I want to lick your asshole."

Dean didn’t have to be asked twice, sliding backward until his knees were flush with his brother’s head.
Sam rimming his hole was orgasmic in itself!

Dwelling for a moment on the lush panorama of Dean’s ass, Sam held his brother’s cheeks apart to better expose the little opening, flicking the tip of his tongue in and around it, well aware of how much Dean got off on it.

Again, Sam had to acknowledge how Dean was perfectly honed for sex.
Despite the many times Sam had breached it, Dean's hole remained as tight as the first unforgettable time Sam had taken him.

Sam’s lust was now approaching boiling point. His vision narrowed until all he could think of was sinking his cock into his brother.
Reaching avidly for the lube, always nearby on the side table, Sam liberally covered his fingers with the jelly-like substance, and at first delicately, then more insistently inserted one, two then three fingers into his brother’s asshole, twisting and turning, each movement causing Dean to moan and whine like a cat in heat.
That Dean had turned out to be a noisy lover was something Sam had come to appreciate.

When Sam could no longer hold out, he manhandled his brother down the bed and without further ado, lined up his cock and breached Dean’s asshole.
As he pounded his brother's ass, Sam's mind conjured up images of Dean in all kinds of sexual poses, crawling like a dog, chained to the wall in the Bunker’s dungeon, having his ass whipped by…
But then the images vanished to be replaced by the ecstasy of orgasm, his come filling his big brother with its liquid warmth.

Sam collapsed onto Dean’s back, his limbs trembling.
Like so many times after he came inside Dean, Sam wondered just where their fucked up relationship would lead them and a twinge of fear ran through him.

The end

.pairing » sam/dean, bed sharing, .genre » slash

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