So yeah, it's all over and I'm sad if gracious looking at my calendar from here on in.
This was not only my first staff experience, it was my first NPC experience and it was just amazing. Seriously could not ask for a more awesome, supportive group to learn the ropes with. This was such a good thing for me, especially with the anxiety issues as of late. By the May session I felt I had a grip, that I knew what I was doing with some sort of confidence and was helping people have a good time. This last event was even more so, even a little piece of a dream for me. Sleep deprivation aside, I had so much fun.
I will never forget this experience, and look forward to enriching another game someday if someone would have me.
Ledda wasn't mind originally, just the first thing I was ever cast as. I took her over from Treska when I joined Staff for that first full session. She bobbed up and down from my fave npc to my least fave (she became very functionary in a 'can i get my facets' sort of way, which was fine, but it made her boring) Then the romance thing popped up all on it's own and suddenly I get all this awesome PC face time and she is easily my fave now, part of such a fun set of pc stories.
Giselle was my first plot evar. Seriously. I left her costuming for the last event and had to improvise. I worried too much, it was so cold no one would have noticed with the winter kit.
Aya, poor puppy. She had all sorts of little side things going and was involved in numerous personal plot. She befriended several pcs who left the game. Her Faceless aetherial plot taught me about working on the fly, when my epic sneaky sniper aetherial suddenly had to be funneled right into the center of town due to three foot frozen snow drifts making the neat mechanic it had moot. Oh well! Aya was around twenty but mentally like 16 and a bit broken from a childhood in the aether. But I loved her relationship with the aether and odd view of the world. She was a bit more manic than I had planned, bouncing from shy and a bit sad to super happy. The last connections she made with Bashir were what saved her and what ruined her all at the same time. She was a compassion drop out. Interesting to play. And I loved making the wisdom students run ;)
I wrote lots of the compassion and wisdom classes, and a few selflessness and I vaguely remember they may have been a wholeness or courage class too. Dunno. Fun using my ACTUAL lesson planning skills! I loved loved loved writing aether plot. From Giselle to the labryinth to Suffers the Wounds all the way to Tomorrow and the hero grove, so much fun.
Tomorrow was kind of a big thing. She was a latter addition to the banner concept, one which was kind of hilarious in that it kept me up one night I got so excited. Having witnessed some amazing take your breath away mods in Madrigal, I wanted to badly to do it. I was so nervous, hoping things would look as cool in reality as they did in my head. We set the mod up in the daylight, so we didn't even see it until just before the pcs did. I am so very happy with how this turned out, the reactions were everything I had hoped. I had spent so much of the event in an over tired state of 'i hope the pcs like this stuff, i hope the rest of staff isn't annoyed with me, why did I forget so much stuff' It was this major win. My wedding dress got a second use, woohoo! And no worries, it was that muddy to begin with and long over due for it's dry cleaning.
There were times I felt lost, overwhelmed, under-qualified and oh so freakin' tired, but this has been such a wonderful experience with such high quality folks, on both the pc and npc side. I love you guys!
Some great quotes from event-
"I am NOT telling you anything if you're going to talk about it like that!"
*whispers* "Is it about sex?"
Elf Licking? Really? I am telling Raulin you want to lick the wisdom book...
Stun by AWEsomeness
"I'm so glad you exist!" (to Tomorrow)