yaaaay desperation!

Apr 26, 2011 15:26

I'm not typically fond of advertising my various online forays in my personal journal, but I'm a bit stuck as NO ONE SEEMS TO LOVE ME it's really really difficult to get people to join your RPG if you don't really ... talk to many people on a daily basis.

So, crossing my fingers with this one as I don't seem to be very popular as of late ...

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what's an outside?, role-playing, fancrack, harry potter, nerdery, doctor who, lol internets

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Comments 3

anonymous April 27 2011, 14:52:03 UTC
This makes me wish I had time/want to RP :/


happycrabmearii April 27 2011, 14:52:35 UTC
That was me BTW


gibbous May 5 2011, 06:49:00 UTC
I don't know why LJ is screening my comments ... I never screen anon comments, and my settings reflect that ... weird stuff

Anyway, yeah, seems to be a problem with a lot of folks these days. I sort of forgot what it's like to have a real life. :P


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