Title: Dialogue
gibson_fic Fandom: Bandslash
Summary: It’s just a conversation.
Author’s Notes: I have *feelings* about this.
Hi Patrick
Hi Pete
How are you?
I’m okay. Why are we being so formal? Are things okay?
I miss you.
I miss you too.
I like your new song.
Thanks. I like your new songs too.
It’s harder without you, you know.
I thought it might be easier.
No you didn’t.
You’re right, maybe I didn’t.
I’ve got some words, not really BC stuff.
Yeah? Maybe you should send them to someone.
Yeah. Maybe.
I know a guy. Writes a lot of music, tends to multitask, likes to be busy. You might send them to him.
You think?
I don’t know, these are really band songs, more a four-piece kind of thing. Don’t know if he’d be interested in that kind of thing. I think that guy works alone.
You must be thinking of a different guy. The guy I’m thinking about has some friends, they jam sometimes, I think he might be interested in a four-piece. Like I said, he likes to multi-task.
You think his friends are available?
Yeah, Pete, I do.
I wouldn’t want to impose. Guy like that, he probably has busy friends.
Sure he does, but he also has loyal ones, and they recognize a good thing when they see it.
You think this might be a good thing?
The best.
I’ll think about it.
You should send him the words.
if u say so
There’s the Pete I know and love.
always love u ptrck