I woke up late this morning, having overslept the alarm by 30 minutes and bolting upright with a start. This made me late getting out of the house to go the gym. I debated pushing gym time back to lunchtime, then conceded (in this argument in my head) that I'd definitely not go if I did that. So I scrambled to find an outfit to pack for work - having some trouble, because I have several loads of laundry to do - threw together a lunch, tended the cats and fled the house.
...only to take an hour (or, twice as long as it should take) to get to campus, thanks to accident traffic.
When I finally got out of my car, I discovered that I had no toiletries in my gym bag. Zilch. At this point, the only way I wasn't going to be late for work was if I just went into the gym to shower and leave. So appealing. Gym showers just have that certain je ne sais quoi.
So I said, screw it, went to the gym and ran/walked a mile to soothe my conscience. Then I used the gym's dubious soap and spray deoderant (thank goodness they had something), rinsed out my hair and pretended that all was normal.
Since I got to work, I've dropped my keys 6 times and my lunch once, locked myself out of one office, and have sent three emails from the wrong alias. I've also been charged for shipping on an item that was supposed to ship for free, and my boss has harassed me about my workspace encroaching on the other, empty desk in my office. Since said encroachment constitutes of a podcasting setup that can't go anywhere else right now, I argued a little and she backed off a little.
It has not been a bad day, actually, but I've definitely been wrong-footed for all of it.
While at the gym, I watched a news segment about
Benazir Bhutto's triumphant return to Pakistan, and (I'm not proud of this:) cynically wondered just how long it would take before somebody reacted violently. Sadly, the answer was,
not long. *sigh*
This post brought to you by my renewed efforts to communicate with the outside world, even mundanely!
Edit: (the next morning) The evening was better. On my way out of the office a piece of my shoe fell off (?!), and the Indians did lose to the BoSox, but I had a lovely, lovely dinner and evening with
butterandjelly, which made up for a great deal.