May 28, 2008 12:13

Just for crying out loud. Re-reading Blood Rites, the two chapters after Harry wakes up at Chateau Raith has me just about in tears. There's quite a lot of things to get to one... I mean, what with both Thomas and Harry thinking Justine is dead; Harry realizing how deep what was between them ran, and why neither Thomas nor Justine allowed it to be... important till its importance was not supposed to matter naymore; anger and pain, and guilt; and then the revelation, Harry taking it in and what it means to him, and then the soulgaze...

Yeah, maybe I'm letting fictional characters move me more than I theoretically ought to. Which is why I'm taking a step back from a lot of roleplay atm - until I'm certain I can manage character bleeds at least a little better, I'm probably only doing what my kids won't let me NOT do. You know, damage control. I'm sure I can do it. >.>

blood rites, ooc

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