Jun 30, 2008 06:22 made me the happiest girl in the world! Diablo 3 has been announced. And it doesn't even look like it's gonna be an MMO. YAY!
Now, Blizzard, if you pull a Starcraft: Ghost on this, I will come down there and cut off each and every one of your balls. Capice?
Mar 11, 2008 10:16
As a side note, Westjet interview in 5.5h. YEEEK!
Mar 06, 2008 15:29
I got an interview with Westjet tomorrow!
Feb 25, 2008 10:09
I am so happy that Juno got one. It was a fantastic movie. Can't say much on the others, as I haven't seen many movies other than that one this year, but if anyone hasn't seen Juno, I'd strongly advise it. It's an excellent movie.
Feb 14, 2008 16:16
Okay, who on my list plays Magic? Aside from the obvious ones... :p
Dec 19, 2007 18:35
Rogers is the earthly manifestation of Satan.
That is all.
Nov 15, 2007 22:24
I have sweet fuck all to report.
Take THAT Sammy. :p