What is your opinion on the treatment of house elves? Ummm...well my parents have one but she doesn't get mistreated
Do they receive better or worse treatment today as compared to centuries past? I don't really know how they were treated in the past...
Do you believe that they should be freed? Oh please, it's their job and they like it
What is your general consensus on the classes here at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wiazardry? They're great! Some are VERY interesting...*cough*Divination*cough* =D
What is your favourite class and why? This'll be obvious. Divination because, well come on, what's better than looking into the future??? I predicted some house elves might end up like Dobby and get paid for work but since a minority of Hogwarts actually believe it''l come true I won't say anymore.
Do you feel that you learn everything you can in your classes? Oh yeah, all I need to know and nothing else
Is the usage of using these online Journals a good or bad thing? Why? Good because now we won't need to bother going to each others' common rooms to talk.
What house are you in? Gryffindor
Why do you think you were chosen to be placed in the house? Ummm...because I'd do anything for my friends 'cause they mean the world to me
If the Sorting Hat were to put you in a different house, which would it be? Hufflepuff since I'm so stupid...no offence
What do you think of Quidditch? Not my thing. But it's cool
Do you think there should be a “Varsity” and a “Junior Varsity” divisions of each house team, which would result in eight teams as opposed to the traditional four? No...that's just weird. Then again, 14 people from each house could be chosen to be on a team...
Do you think more sports or extra-curricular activities should be added so that students have the opportunity to represent their houses? Neither. I hate having lots of classes and I'm not good at sports
What is it that you want to do once you Graduate? Be just like Prof. Trelawny! I wanna be a Seer ^_^
What dreams and aspirations do you have for yourself and for those around you? Umm...I just want everyone to be happy with what they're doing including me.
What do you think of the events going on in the Wizarding World? Scary, foul, and it's getting worse everyday
What about the events in the Muggle World? Have NO idea
What is your opinion of Muggles and Muggleborns? Why do you think that way? What's the big deal? Muggles are people just like us...without magic. Muggleborns, well I see no difference between them and "pure bloods"
Now, some general questions:
Favourites -
Foods: Chicken, anything with chicken in it ^_^
Drink: Butterbeer (not the alcoholic one, haven't tried it yet)
Book: "Unfogging The Future" - helped me a lot
Picture: This picture of Padma and me at the Yule Ball
Class: Duh...DIVINATION!!
Season: Winter/Autumn
Candy: Chocolate Frogs, Every Flavour Beans, oh and SugarQuills
Store: Mystic Meg's
Holiday: Christmas. Yay! Pressies!
Food: Sprouts..they're so tasteless
Drink: Pumpkin Shake
Book: "Monster Book of Monsters"...I'm sure most of you know why
Picture: Urgh, there's this horrible one of me that Lavender took in First Year...bad hairstyle. Very bad.
Class: Potions
Season: Don't hate any
Candy: Acid Pops. They burnt my tounge...maybe 'cause I ate too many O.o
Store: Don't hate any
Who do you ….:
Like: Nearly Everyone
Dislike: You-Know-Who
Love: My family, friends
Hate: You-Know-Who
Admire: Prof. Trelawny, Hermione (you never give up, I like determined people. But that doesn't mean I'll agree with you on the House Elves theory)
Respect: Prof. Trelawny
Disrespect: Prof. Snape, Filch
Superlatives: For each, you can choose two. A male and a female.
Most likely to have a smile on their face: Luna and Colin
Most likely to have a frown: Draco and Prof. Snape
Most likely to be late for class: Me *cough* and Neville
Most likely to fail a test: Crabbe and Millicent
Most likely to be early for class: Hermione and Colin
Most likely to pass a test: Hermione and Terry
Most likely to lend a helping hand: Hermione and Harry (and Ron)
Most likely to make a difference in the world: Hermione and Harry
Most likely to forget their homework: Me and Neville
Most likely to get a detention: Ron and Pansy
Class Clown:...?
Prettiest Smile: Luna and Harry
Prettiest eyes: Draco and Harry
Best Personality: Can't choose
Best Hair: No not Fizgig...probably Ginny and Michael
Best style: hmmm...
Most Likely to succeed: Neville