Tracey is her name
An angel from Heaven, she
Will always be best
Loveliest of all
Her touch is a miracle
I cannot believe
Oh, Tracy, my love
Be mine, be mine, be mine, please
Or I shall be lost
I wish that I could
Write the sonnets you deserve
But instead, haiku
The world is so cruel
That one as lowly as I
Must see perfection
Lavender, Tracey
The names sound nice together
But you are better
I would climb a tree
If it meant I could but win
My Tracey's heart
Ten poems are a lot
But I continue onwards
With true devotion
Do you think that I
Could touch a strand of your hair?
I am not worthy
The touch of your lips
One sweet moment that I will
Savor my whole life.
She's freaking out - I swear, she's gone crazy O.o there's more:
Tracey is pretty
I am drawn towards her being
Like a love magnet
Why??? This isn't like Lavender at all, she's all lovey-dovey with a girl. She's definately not a lesbian, or bi otherwise I would've known, she would've told me! Unless...unless something has taken over her brain. *GAAAAASP* I've gotta find a cure, Madame Pomphrey might have something.
Apparently she hasn't got anything. She thinks I'm being "abnormally delusional" and that there's "no potion to cure love, regardless of what type of love it is". Grr. Evil.
Well there's always Hermione, she'll know exactly what to do. I just hope I can get a chance to talk to her before Lavender gets any worse O.o