I can't believe it's already time for Festivids again! YAY! I forgot to do a Dear Festividder letter last year and felt really bad about it (even though it all worked out because the vid I got was awesomesauce). So I decided to do it right away this year so I wouldn't forget again. Here goes!
Obviously, I requested these fandoms because I love them all and I will love anything you make. I don't have specific song requests on any of them, so go wild in that department. (Tbh I think almost any song can be perfect in the right circumstances, so I'm not worried). I also don't have any reservations as to the type of vid you wanna make (comedy, dark, meta, au, whatever!). The only request I have is in regards to certain characters/ships in a couple fandoms.
Raising Hope
→ Ideally, I would love a vid focused more on Burt & Virginia, because those two really make the show for me. However, an ensemble would still be MORE than fantastic.
→ I think an Andy-centric vid would be just about the greatest thing to exist. But, again, there needs to be more Weeds vids period, so I'd be totally down with an ensemble here too. (Or any character you chose to focus on)
→ My only huge, big flashing red lights stipulation with this one is NO CHUCK/SARAH haha. Literally anything else I will love.
Moulin Rouge
→ Favorite movie of all time. Make anything that highlights how damn gorgeous it is :)
Arrested Development
→ Anything. Anything at all. (Although if you're feeling ambitious, maybe something Micheal & Lindsay centric?)
The Hour
→ This is another show that's really just so beautiful. Maybe something more generic and not so ship driven? I think the conspiracy and the drama are really the best part of the show.
Again, I just wanna stress that I'll be happy with anything. I can't wait to get my assignment and see whatever it is you come up with. Thank you!