As you are all so easily amused by my tags and because two new people recently found me by shared interests. Here is what my tags mean. I try to keep them fairly self explanitory, but I get bored and "fanciful".
fan tags are for fandoms...
- book'em danno [Hawaii 5-0, so far the remake, but I liked the original so it might show up]
- by the prickling of my thumbs [horror fandom posts]
- children of the atom [x-men comics and sometimes Marvel in general. The movie verse is included.]
- fangrrrls [because I love fandom ]
- far far away [Star Wars]
- i can't stand to fly [Superman and Smallville]
- klingons off the starboard bow [Star Trek]
- meebo chat room [I used to host show watching]
- saving people hunting things [Supernatural in all shapes and sizes]
- season song meme [Stop looking at me like that, fuzzy. I will eventually do this again.]
- sound n vision [vids, fanmixes and lyrical picspams - mine and other peoples]
- spoiler psa [I'm a spoiler whore. I don't understand you people, but sometimes you give me things and want to tell you what it is without spoiling you]
- straight boys from texas [The cast of Supernatural]
- take off & nuke the site from orbit [Alien Franchise - movies and comics]
- the silver screen [Movies in general]
- tv boyfriends [Random celebs or graphics thereof]
- we have more rats [Hockey - I'm a FL Panther fan. We throw squeak toys at goalies.]
- whatcha looking at [polls, lj and dreamy]
gigglingkat tags are posts about my RL
- access limited [the sticky post]
- culturey things are fun too [I periodically try to expand my horizons]
- fuzzies [I have ferrets]
- geeklife [I am a geek and a dork - not a nerd]
- grownup wtf?! [I'm also over 40. I'm not entirely certain when that happened. I certainly wasn't consulted]
- katmom [My mom has her own fandom. The tag is also used for RL posts about her side of the family]
- kittens [I have 2 cats: Sammich and Dean Kitty. Yes, they are named after Sam and Dean Winchester. I tend to name pets after fictional characters.]
- long ago [Things imported/salvaged from other websites. I've been on the net since the early 90s]
- puppy! [My dog, Rocky, is as much a drama queen as I am. It's impressive.]
- sins of the father [My father passed away over 10 years ago. It wasn't the close relationship I have with Mom, but it wasn't bad. But his family is batshit crazy.]
mood tags are to give you a warning for the tone. I wish I could put them in front
- giggling [This is Kat on crack. I'm willing to admit this is fairly default.]
- grr argh [RAGE and lesser forms of rants]
- make up a dull day [I HAS A MEME. LET ME SHOW YOU IT]
- melancholy bs [I am a chronic depressive and periodically this makes me a whiny brat. And emo enough to give Sam Winchester a run for his money.]
- owns my soul [OMG Matching songs to things. Or making meta with a song. To the point where other people laugh.]
- requiem for a dream [Honor of and In Memorandum posts]
- tmi [I DO NOT USE THIS TAG LIGHTLY. NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH. Mom's a nurse, so my sense of "over sharing" is warped.]
my brain tags are original, non-fictional creations. Note: this does not mean any of them are true.
- chasing rabbits [meta related to Alice in Wonderland - any incarnation]
- crackpic [I do not see the same movie or tv that you do. Sometimes I inflict it on you]
- goblins'll getcha [weirdness that has no other description. BEWARE THE INTERNET. HERE BE GOBLINS.]
- music everywhere [my life has a soundtrack]
- only in america [I'm also in Florida. So I have opinions on my schizo nation.]
- thinky thoughts are thunk [meta and other musings]
- not the droids you're looking for [things that are private or posted more as a bookmark or have dubious legality]
story tags are my fictional creations. Note: They are not necessarily orignal. Nor are they necessarily untrue. Life's like that.
- alice [syfy Alice, I have a thing for all Alice incarnations, but so far, this is the one I create in]
Alice stories are sub tagged by character
- carol
- carpenter
- hatter
- mad march
- queen of hearts [KATHY BATES, BITCHES]
- buffy [although I liked the show for awhile, I was not a fandom girl. This apparently makes me well suited for Whedonverse fic. *shrugs*]
- crack! [what you see is what you get]
- crossover [I have a weakness.]
- highlander/spn [it's all Jen's fault]
- drabbles [sometimes things leak out. sorry about the mess]
- fusion [which is similar to but not a crossover in my brain]
- j2/buffy [also not my fault]
- gen [I do not write shipper fare]
- het [ok, I lied about the gen, but it's still not shipper fare]
- humor [even my non-crack is crack]
- movieverse [The Thin Man]
- original verse [IT WAS A MEME. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?]
- grimms [I answered a meme and spawned a universe]
- recs [I don't read enough fic to warrant this tag, but there you go]
- rps [I can't believe I have rp fic let alone rps. ewwwwww.]
- j2 [ah, spn. where the rps is the MORAL HIGHROAD.]
- slash [this makes me laugh.]
- smallville [oh lex...]
- supernatural [the reason I got an LJ. Blame TWOP]
Supernatural is sub tagged by timeline
- preseries
- s1
- s3 hiatus
- s5
- wee!chesters [Someone has tagged my Summer Camp as "classic" which only means "old" and "mentioned at Wincon, so everyone read it"]
wanderlust tags are for travel posts. I have an inherited wanderlust. Traveling and fangirling. Does it get better?
wanderlust is sub tagged by location
- big apple [NYC]
- californication [California trips and layovers]
- con gatherings [FANGIRLS. Will travel for SQUEE]
- deep in the heart of texas [plus, FL outbound layovers there frequently]
- hollywood north [Vancouver, oddly enough the place I vacation to often]
- jersey?! [Hey, it's not my fault, I have family there and sometimes NJ has a Misha]
- lions and tigers and bears [we like zoos]
- lost in translation [Traveling means I spend bored time in airports posting about how I'm bored in an airport]
- on the road [I love driving and Mom hates it. There was also two weeks driving Aussies around with She!Sam. Nothing crunched. Nobody died.]
- sin city [Vegas, Baby!]
- spirit of 76 [Philly - but Mom's a Revolutionary War fan, so others will show up. Boston if I ever get to posting it.]
- theme parks [I'm a FL Native living in FL. There will be theme parks.]
- wincon [This is the first year I'm not going. NEW ORLEANS. I AM MISSING NEW ORLEANS. SOB]
- windy city [I've been to Chicago a surprising amount. I'm not really sure how that happened.]
web tags are for my internet lives away from blogs. Yes, that's a real thing.
- snsf [SuperNatural Sick Fucks - the fandom outside LJ]
- supernatural yellow pages [my delicious stalking of said fandom]
- tweet twitter tweet [my twitter - I used to crosspost. Then it broke. Then it was fixed but I am lazy.]
- twop [Television Without Pity. Discovered during Carnivale and Smallville, joined in earnest during Season 1 of Supernatural. SNARK IT ALL.]
- via ljapp [posts from my iphone. I don't use it anymore because it keeps double posting and if I have to go to the web to delete the dupe, I'll just POST FROM THERE.]
- writer's block [I actually answered one!]
Original post at
my dreamwidth