Oh god. I *HATE* picking favorites -
- which is probably why my top 10 has 16 songs in it...
10. Ramblin' Man/Back in Black - Pilot
That they used Classic Rock made it stand out to me. Dean listens to MY MUSIC. More
tied with Carry On Wayward Son - Salvation
My Fandom Fangirls Me Back. I can still remember the chills I got when I realized that they were making a FANVID. FOR US.
9. The Crystal Ship - Born Under A Bad Sign
Meg!Sam being freaky and cruel to Jo. It was just so fun.
tied with Spirit in the Sky - Good God Y'all
a Jewish jug band's song about Jesus played in a horror movie's scene about the Apocalypse in the bible belt. There are times that I love Kripke SO HARD.
8 .God's Going To Cut You Down - Commercial
CASH. They gave us Cash!
tied with Eye of the Tiger - Yellow Fever
That the extra happens because Jensen knows the words. *heart eyes*
7. The Lack of Poison Whiskey - Skin
When the original episode aired - the closed captioning had Poison Whiskey playing over the fight between Sam and Not!Dean. They play the riff earlier (and still do on the dvd) so they own the rights to the song. The lyrics are a very decent fit - Sam fighting against the Hunter's life and the Shifter addicted to other people's lives. Being the dork I am, I synched the ipod to the closed captioning. When you do - it changes the tone of the fight from life and death to barroom brawl because of Lynyrd Skynyrd's guitar work. That our show knew this and refrained from using something they had paid for makes me love them more.
tied with In A Gadda Da Vida - Same episode
The title is a distorted form of "In the Garden of Eden" (the legend of who said/wrote it and how drunk/high they were at the time varies) and that distorted heaven just fits sooooooooooooo well with Killer Dean and the whole feel of that openner - made even better to me that they change it for the second go round - when we know it's the Shifter.
6. Well Respected Man - It's a Terrible Life tied with It's a Wonderful World - What Is and What Will Never Be
Dean, the Normal Guy montages = my happy place.
5. Rooster - Folsom Prison Blues
Ain't found a way to kill me yet -- That just gets funnier every time I hear it.
tied with O Death - Two Minutes to Midnight
Show tries very hard to project HUGE concepts on a shoestring budget. The divinity, Death, is one of the few times they've actually managed to do it.
4. Silent Lucidity - Heart
Oh Sam - when the visions are becoming more real to him than reality, and when he's confronted with needing to kill out of love - they give you a song about Lucid Dreaming. *HEART EYES* More
3. Shambala - Everybody Loves A Clown
I had this on my Dean playlist after Nightmare when it became so heart breaking apparent that Dean's journey was going to be focused on Sam. Trying to find a road to Shambala. More... well crap, I never posted that meta. I will have to fix that.
2. Renegade - Nightshifter
This song saved the episode for me. It went from a slightly "Meh" episode to one of my faves with a simple heartbeat overlay. More
1. White Rabbit - Hunted
This is still my all time favorite song moment. Mostly because I got to be a Music Nerd and see something no one else did. More
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