Title: Hate.Dislike.Like.Love?
gigiettu Rating: G
Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun/Key
Summary: Different feelings towards Jonghyun.
A/N :edited by my love Renn it's a nice little drabble.fluff <.<
Sometimes he hated Jonghyun
When they were on stage and he teased the fangirls (and let's not forget the boys) licking his lips like he was fricking LL Cool J (has he ever heard of chapstick?). All Key wanted to do was smack him; whoring around maintaining eye-contact with those cameras, winking, smirking and licking. He over did it and Key was a proponent of moderation.
Sometimes he just disliked him
When they were backstage and he chatted up random rookie girl group members who fell under his 'dino-charm' (*scoff*) or when he fought Minho for BoA-noona's attention (it was really quite patethic no one can out-whored their own senior whore). Key much preferred his already established friendships with Nicole and Amber to casual fleeing acquaintances Jonghyun was so happy to make
Sometimes he actually liked him
When they were finally in the van after their exhaustive day, Jonghyun snuggled up to him, resting his head on his shoulder, jokingly telling him he was always more comfortable than he looked. His breath fanned Key's neck in slow, steady waves of air that Key recognized as a sign of him sleeping peacefully. At this moment Key had his best friend finally silent; and that's how he liked him.
Sometimes Jonghyun however surprised him
When he dragged his own tired bones into his bed that day, Jonghyun followed (not particularly shocking no; they often shared a bed, both comforted by having someone to hold at night). As he laid his head on his pillow; his eyes closing as Jonghyun wrapped his arms around him, the familiar feeling against him, an unfamiliar feeling followed. He felt a pair of chapped lips against his own, pressing forward boldly (everything Jonghyun did was bold), something more than a chaste kiss, lips that seemed to speak before their owner could;
‘I love you Kim Kibum.'
With that, his best friend (what now?) settled back on his chest, dozing away. And then Key realized:
Despite the sometimes, his love for Jonghyun was always.