Oh Sweet Lord help me this semester
So I took it upon myself to take up 3 other courses this semester. Intro to Neuro-psychology, Forensic Toxicology and DNA Evidence in Forensic Science. This was all in an attempt to make up credits so that I can graduate in 2012 and because I'm not taking Chem this semester -_-' But now I realize how screwed I am. Not only am I taking 5 courses something I had promised myself to never do again in one semester but it just so happens to be extra hellish because these courses seem to dig assignments.
The one of the other 2 courses I'm doing Biometrics has a new professor WHO HAS NEVER TAUGHT BEFORE and therefore has changed everything up. We have 5 assignments and a midterm basically the first 4 are every 2 weeks. Then I have 2 assignments for Forensic Science Ethics, 4 for DNA Evidence, 1 big one for Toxicology and 1 do Neuro-Psy. 13 ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE SEMESTER. On top of that I have of course midterms which all seem to fall in one week (well 4 which is almost all anyway) I was writing out my semester in an attempt to be more organized this year and realized all this and man shooting myself seems real nice right now. I have to ace all these courses because my GPA is in the gutter.
Oh and the assignment ball starts next week I have one due monday.
So I will have even less of a life in the next 3mths than I've ever had. Yay fucking me.