1) If a dwarf were to make an artifact entirely out of gems, so that the light ran through it in a million paths, and the world wondered at it's deadly beauty, is it more likely to be
a) A sword, glinting red in the light, sharper than the cold, and deadlier than time.
b) An axe, shot through with inner fire, recalling the heroes of old and destined to slay great foes.
c) A table.
2) Is the correct response to being a Baroness who has not yet had their tomb completed to seeing that a freaking war hero has his own coffin where he sleeps eternal
a) Flowers
b) A brief tear, and a muttered prayer.
c) Grevious wailing, distraught that a mere peasant is RIGHT THIS MINUTE enjoying a burial arrangement greater than has yet been built for your own august person?
3) Given that a certain Baroness is in the worst mood I have ever seen a dwarf be in (outside of not being able to find materials for their artifact inspiration, which makes them REALLY unhappy) was the correct response
a) Cross fingers, hope for the best
b) To have installed a series of death traps in the rooms of all nobles, such that a simple lever pull from anywhere in the fortress can order their immediate pacification, upon which we can work on that tomb she keeps raving about.
c) To station Tigerpixie and her squad of actually quite terrifying military dwarfs nearby, on "regular patrol duty no really honest we are"
For each "a" you answered, -1 point.
For each "b", you get 1 point.
However, for each question you decided to answer "c" to, you score 3 points!
Oh god. Persephone is in the dining room, actually throwing tables and chairs around. Tigerpixie is watching in an attempt to be subtle, and sharpening her weapon, in case this tantrum devolves from property damage to, y'know, murder.