honest work

Feb 08, 2013 23:51

Решила попробовать в первый раз литературный перевод поэзии. вот этого вот mi3ch в честный труд

I’m tired. I’ve brought two cart of wood.
I’m in tavern. I want a meat and beer.
elder. spurge. reseda. wormwood.
my home’s forest. I am an alien here.
I have stories. scary. vampires and wolfs.
everything for you to be trembling.
my home’s forest . only me and my rules.
It’s a forest. no place for the gambling.
I do like my job. I do like my life.
after forest the tavern is boondocks.
I have got no friends, I have got no wife.
celandine. willowherb. holly. hemlocks.
the innkeeper is boring. grumbles in ire
I’m tired. I do have an ax and a knife.
I have brought the wood. for tomorrow bonfire
the young witch will be burned alive
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