I happened to be considering the availability, or lack thereof, of Divine Guidance in our lives, re: proper conduct. I, like most people of course, have opinions. However the subject is frequently so emotionally charged that effectively communicating them to others is a challenge often beyond my abilities. Yet, I had these thoughts, and wanted to get them down because ... well, I liked them. ^_^
If you believe in Free Will, as I do, then the notion of a "Divine Commandment" is a very 'iffy' notion. The next time I am confronted by someone who really wants to know what I think God demands of me, I feel I should respond thusly:
"You want to see a Divine Commandment in action? All right." At which point I can pull out a coin or keys and provide an example of Gravity in action.
"God decreed that all mass in the universe shall attract all other masses with a force proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. And we know it's a commandment because free will isn't involved with it in any way. Those stone tablets would have been called 'Ten Strongly Worded Suggestions For How To Live A Better Life', except that didn't score as well with test audiences."