I finally got my film from Wildwood developed, so it's time for a bunch of pictures. And some lj cuts. but before that, let me remind you what Wildwood has brought last year:
Edit: it's late. I'll fix le pictures tomorrow.
Steve in the red dress
Will in the red dress
and the dead animal room.
Such a wonderful place, no?
okay, time for some pictures from this year.
this is not from camp. Actually, this is after my piano recital June 23rd.
okay, this guy is Ted. He plays piano, and is currently in ninja mode. Also pictured: Nicole (girl on the left) plays trumpet and piano, and Sojouner (girl in the hat) plays drums.
Ted in ninja mode again. he's got awesome hair.
Will (see Will in the red dress, above)
Will, vertical.
Kathryn, my favorite goth chick.
Andrew and Cynthia. If you can't tell which is which, I will laugh.
Andrew and Kathryn
Kathryn taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her . . . etc.
these next few pictures include extreme images of blood, gore, and mutilated rodents.
so the camp cat caught a gopher . . .
brought it under a car . . .
killed it . . .
played with it . . .
brought it over toward Andrew . . .
ate its head . . .
and barfed it out.
the remains of the gopher.
someone picked up the headless gopher. Guess who?
that's right, it was Steve! (see Steve in the red dress, above)
Steve loved that cat.
I mean, really LOVED.
aww . . .
this is an example of breakfast. Pancakes, tater tots, and FACON. If you want, I can email a picture of the facon monument from last year. Facon tastes worse than soysauge and all other forms of fake meat.
Joe, eating the facon (blech!)
Steve vs. Ted, in ninja mode
our mirror! 7 years bad luck! AAHH!
Andrew is lazy.
the other two in my cabin: Daniel (cello) and Brian (trumpet)
VIOLA PRIDE!!!! this is the viola section. From left to right. Front row: Katie and Elise. 2nd row: Courtney and me. 3rd row: Liana, Kevin, and Brian. 4th row: Joe and our coach Natalie.
dinner. Pictured: Ben, Zach, Colin, and Joe, from left to right.
Same dinner, Brian, Daniel, and Andrew, left to right.
Same dinner, Kevin and Bobby, right to left. Ohh fake out!
Art. It looks like a fork in a styrofoam cup, but it's actually a metaphor for the pain and suffering of life.
Brian Martinez (the guy who beat me at Assassins, and who is extraordinary at trumpet), Joe, and Bobby. With Ryan in ze background.
The older campers: including Will (the jolly green giant), Brian Martinez, Manuel, Nick, and others.
same group, now including crazy euphonium guy.
Aerynne dislikes having her picture taken, this was the closest I could get.
horrible picture of Nat standing by other string coaches. On the left is Mr. Moutner, conductor of the LACHSA orchestra.
Nat and Katie sharing a hug after Katie's Outstanding award. The man on the far right is Mr. Moutner the elder, legend among orchestra directors. To his right (our left) is Mr. Stenske, an outstanding violinist w/ only three fingers on his right hand.
and this is . . . Hey! How did that get in there?!?!