"Thirty Twenty: Now with 75% less suck..."

Aug 11, 2004 20:55

Abortion?:Anything that prevents an unwanted child or one that would be disabled from birth from having to suffer that is fine by me. Death Penalty?:I'm in favour of torture instead. Prostitution?:It doesn't directly affect me, so I don't care one way or another. Alcohol?:Good, unless you overdo it. Marijuana?:To each his own. It never did much to me, so I don't see the point. Other drugs?:To each his own. I coulldn't give a shit. Gay marriage?:Marriage is a religious institution. Let them define it. Remove 'marriage' from the government's eyes. Illegal immigrants?:Get Them The Fuck Out. Now. Smoking?:Not the smartest thing you can do, but... to each his own. Drunk driving?:If I find out you've done it, I'm likely to crack your head open for it. That's just fucking retarded. Cloning?:Couldn't give a shit. Racism?:Send the racists to me. 440vAC across the nipples should change their mind pretty fuckin' quick. Premarital sex?:The next person to demonise sex gets a boot in the ass. Religion?:Everyone needs something to believe in. It's just that most need to start thinking before they follow. The war in Iraq?:It needed napalm. Maybe some nukes too. Bush?:Not the best, not the worst. Certainly not to blame for everything that's ever gone wrong. Downloading music?:Do what thou wilt. The legal drinking age?:Should be 19. Federal drinking age is 18, so blame the states. Porn?:More, please. Suicide?:Stupid. But if you really want to leave this world, I'm not going to stand in your way.
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The Housing Ops fuckfest: sorted. What kind of person drives 120mi to do something that takes 20 minutes, and then turns around and goes back home? Me. They didn't like responding to my emails and voicemail, so I appeared in person. I lost a day of work, but oh well. I think that this was a bit more important.

Turns out, they had me listed as still on suspension. They were the only ones. That's fixed, and now I'm definitely living on-floor. In the L.