Kein gutes Haar an Synchronisiertem

Feb 22, 2011 18:40

This is exactly why I don’t watch the German dubbed version of SPN! It just pisses me off.

Apart from the boys and minor characters like Chuck using the formal “you” instead of the casual one when addressing the other. “Chuck, Sie sind die einzige Chance! Kommen Sie mit, Chuck!” It’s kinda irritating. Well, at least Cas and Lilith are addressed in the informal way by now.

Apart from still cringing at their ridiculously *high* voices. Dean might still be almost, almost acceptable. But Sam? Sam’s just laughable when you have even once heard Jared bellow “DEAN!”. Have a free sample - the lovely "those are definitely your brooding shoulders" in German.

Apart from actually SEEING the English text on their lips. What shall I do? I know it that well by now. Which is somehow annoying. Especially when they fuck up my favourite lines like they do. I’m still annoyed with the fairy tale episode and the epic, epic “Dude, could you be more gay? Don’t answer that.” =D. They turned that into “Und du bist die Prinzessin? Ich mein ja nur.” (“And you’re the princess? Just saying.”) Gah. GAH! How could they?!

In Germany we’re WAY behind what concerns episode airing, but it was “The Monster At The End Of This Book” this Monday. So, I thought as this is one of my absolute favourites, I’d give it a shot. And I was sooo excited how Sam’s explanation of slash would come across. =D

Here’s the original dialogue for reference:
Sam:   Keep on reading, it gets better.
Dean:  There’re Sam!Girls and Dean!Girls and wh-What’s a slash fan?
Sam:   As in: Sam - slash - Dean... Together. 
Dean:  Like, “together” together?
Sam:   Yeah.
Dean:  They do know we’re brothers, right?
Sam:   Doesn’t seem to matter.
Dean:  Oh, come on. Tha-That’s just sick.

And THIS is what our dear translators made of it:
Sam:   Lies erstmal weiter. Es wird noch besser.
Dean:  Es gibt Sam-Fans und Dean-Fans und - was ist ein Slash-Fan?
Sam:   Naja, ich denk, die wollen uns beide zusammen... Sozusagen.
Dean:  Ähm, etwa... ein flotter Dreier? 
Sam:   Ja.
Dean:  Wissen die nicht, dass wir Brüder sind?
Sam:   Das spielt für die keine Rolle.
Dean:  Oh, ich bitte dich, das... Das ist doch krank.

re-transfered into English:
Sam:   Just keep reading. It gets even better.
Dean:  There’re Sam fans and Dean fans and - what’s a slash fan?
Sam:   Well, I think, they want both of us together … so to say.
Dean:  Erm, you mean… a threesome?
Sam:   Yeah.
Dean:  Don’t they know we’re brothers?
Sam:   That doesn’t matter to them.
Dean:  Oh please, come on, that… That’s just sick.

WHAT THE HOLY FUCK, PEOPLE?!!! Threesome?! Are you toning it down for prime time? Protecting the children, or what? Slash has nothing to do with your classic 2-male-threesome, you §ß%$”(/=! It’s perfectly possible to have a threesome with two straight men - yes, brothers too. Well okay, that would be a bit, erm, special. But it doesn’t imply AT ALL that the two men are going at it. Never watched porn for the hetero man, have you?

Sam’s statement “both of us together” actually HAS the two meanings: “they want the two of us to be together” and “they want to have us both”. Dean is being Dean in understanding that we want to have sex not just with one but with both of them. I’m okay with that. BUT HELL, Sam’s correct answer should have been: “No Dean, just the two of us. Sex. Together.” Cause that's what slash is. Seems like someone hasn’t done enough research for the translation of insiders and sub-culture references. Man, it’s not hard! Type SPN slash into Google and you’ll get a million references! NO ONE COULD POSSIBLY OVERLOOK THAT! It’s not even possible to be an SPN fan on the net and not get what slash is.

Well, now every German who watched thinks that slashers are fans who dream of a threesome with the Winchester boys. Erm… Well, okaaay, no fan in their right mind would turn that one down, but THAT’S NOT THE POINT HERE! That’s not why it’s called “slash”. I mean, thanks a lot for portraying us in a much tamer way and all that, but hell - you still got it wrong! GAH!

I'm just saying.

Best thing would be, I’m going back to pretending there isn’t a German version at all and stick to the original. It’s better by MILES, cause the dialogue is twice as funny and witty. It has the slashy edge fully intact and just brings out their chemistry that much better. Cause you know, it actually FITS their lip movement and facial gestures.


On a little side note I like to add how much I loved the fact that the slash fan was from Uruguay. It reminds me of that Simpson episode. (No offense!)

lost in translation, the winchester gospel

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