Boxes away...

Aug 31, 2007 23:29

Wed. I sent off 5 boxes of stuff to MN. This being the majority of my personal belongings. This leaves 3 boxes that my brother is kindly storing for me, as well as the clothes ect that I am personally taking to MN with me.
Now that I have freed up a ton of space in my apt, it was time to start getting my camping gear ready. So as soon as I got home from work today, I got down my tent set it up in my living room and applied a TON of seam sealer. I'm going to let it dry overnight and use a spray-on waterproofing tomorrow.
Last year I was negligent in sufficiently waterproofing my tent, this resulted in a small lake forming in my tent the very first night, and I say small only in comparison to lakes like Michigan and Erie. So needless to say I'm not taking any chances this year.
Other than that, I've canceled my electric as of sep. 21, and I'm calling AT&T tomorrow, I tried to call them today but I was on hold so long, I had to leave for work.
At the risk of jinxing everything; things are going pretty smoothly.

btw, moving

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